I was truly moved by his humility but still heartbroken for my friend. Of course I immediately ordered a paracord rosary for him and brought it to class the following week. Unfortunately he would never return to class. Every week following we would bring his paracord rosary to class hoping to gift it to him but mostly we were just hoping to see him to know he was okay. My wife and I were concerned and would ask around to find out if anyone had seen him or had heard anything. As the weeks turned into months and the old and wet nights of winter passed and spring came we still never saw him again.
"Man, that's durable, I wish I had something like that so it wouldn't break on me out there."- Our friend and brother in Christ.
These words above inspired the creation of In Via to provide paracord rosaries to people who are homeless across the USA and hopefully one day around the world. Sure, I could have gone out and bought a bunch of rosaries but I would always have been limited by my resources. So my wife and I came up with a plan to sell beautifully designed catholic inspired crucifixes so a portion of the profits would pay for paracord rosaries to be given to people who are homeless. The other profits would be reinvested in the business to keep a supply of paracord rosaries to be distributed to our homeless brothers and sisters way longer than I could ever do with just my my own money.
We are a relatively new business and have been selling less then a year, yet I am proud to say as a community through the people who buy In Via crucifixes and our fellow Catholics who volunteer to distribute the rosaries around the county, we have been able to give away a retail value of over $1,000 worth of paracord Rosaries to our homeless bothers and sisters.
First and foremost all thanks to God for allowing all this and a special thanks to our friend from San Francisco who inspired a movement to provide durable rosaries to our brothers and sisters in need.
God be with you on your mission
-Christian J.L.